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12777MHC6999-Case Studies in Healthcare Administration Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. Read the following article: Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico Improves Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction while Reducing Costs (Attachment Uploaded)...

12776Hospitals, outpatient centers, and free standing surgical centers are dependent on many funding sources to pay for their services. Compare and contrast approval/payment from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commercial insurance, and the traditional Medicare program (not a Medicare health maintenance organization [HMO])...

12769Week 5 Final Project In this week, you will have the opportunity to reach back throughout the weeks of the course to develop your final summation response to either one of the topic questions listed below. This is a cumulative course assignment. Diversity is present in...

12768Week Discussion Complete this discussion in a 150–300 word response. • The nursing shortage is a global problem, which affects the host country and the migrating nurse’s country of origin. Please develop a response discussing the motivation for nurses to migrate and the problems migration creates for the...

12758In this assignment, you will analyze the concept of diversity, autonomy, and bioethics. There exists a crossroads between diversity, autonomy, and bioethics, which must be identified and respected. The enigma of patient-centered care exercising patient autonomy with an overlay of cultural diversity and bioethics is highly...

12756Week 4 Discussion Supporting Lectures: Review the following lectures: • Diversity as a Multicultural Social Concept • The Spectrum of Diversity Viewed as Self • Striving to Understand Cultural Competence Assigned Readings: • Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). Cultural competence in psychiatric nursing: Have you "ASKED" the right questions? Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 8(16), 183–187....

12747Review the following lectures: • Multilingual, Bicultural Challenges: A Slippery Slope • Barriers to Care Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. From the Internet, read the following: • Cohn, D. (2007, May 17). The growing global chronic disease epidemic....

12745Week 3 Discussion Supporting Lectures: Review the following lectures: • Multilingual, Bicultural Challenges: A Slippery Slope • Barriers to Care Assigned Readings: • Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. (2004). Cultural competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions? Retrieved from • Jacobs, E., Shepard, D., Suaya, J., & Stone, E. (n.d.)....

12735Review the following lecture: • Healthcare Workforce Diversity Review the following article: Rosenkoetter, M., Nardi, D., & Bowcutt, M. (2017). Internationally educated nurses in transition in the United States: Challenges and mediators. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(3), 139–144. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20170220-10 Additional articles providing background information: • Hongyan, L., Wenbo,...

12729Week 1 Discussion Please identify two examples of how SHRM guides the organization in its mission objectives. In your response, discuss the functionality of PESTLE and SWOT analyses in the developing role of SHRM. To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the...