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This assignment is based on the iNTegrity case study presented in Appendix E of our textbook. (The case study starts on page 528.) For this case study, provide answers to Exercise questions #1  through #4 on page 531.You may find it useful to read Appendix E from... is continuously looking for skilled, talented and experienced writers. If you enjoy writing, like to share your knowledge with others, have strong time-management skills, and have a desire to meet the high standards of academic writing, you are welcome to register with us! A writer...

If subject matter is what is being depicted in a work of art, what is the subject of non-representational works such as Blue, Orange, Red by Mark Rothko and Autumn Rhythm by Jackson Pollock? What is Donald Judd communicating in his piece titled 100 untitled...

Journal InstructionsFor this analysis, you will reflect on two images found in Chapter 3.1:3.1.19 Fowling scene, from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, c. 1350 BC. Painted plaster, 38⅝ × 8¾”. British Museum, London, England3.1.30 Tomb of the Leopards, c. 530–520 BC. Monterozzi Necropolis, Tarquinia, ItalyFor each...

Complete one of the following options.Option A: Visual Arts SummaryResearch one painting, sculpture or work of architecture. You may choose to perform your research in the University Library or an online, academic resource.Write a 525- to 700-word summary describing your selected work of art or...

The New School / Parsons / Admission  Please submit a two-part essay in a single Word document. Your submission should not exceed five pages total.Part 1: Autobiographical Statement (250–500-word limit). In a short autobiographical statement, tell us about yourself. You can write about your education, your...

Instead of posing a generic question and then preparing answers, this journal is a potential solution to community-based problem.  Here is the scenario:A secondary parish chapel is closed for economic reasons, but, technically, is still owned by the local church.  To raise funds, the church...

Select a Topic for Your Critical ReviewSelect the topic for your Critical Review, which is due in Week Six, and briefly analyze its key features and pathophysiology. You may select from any of the following psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia (or schizotypal disorders), bipolar disorder, depression, any...

You will need to write a letter to the curatorial committee describing each work and explaining why you think it would be a good choice for our museum. “I think it’s really pretty” would not be a valid argument nor is monetary value of a...