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Topic: Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver? Discussion should be between 250-to-300 words.Reply is nothing but just additional 100-150 words on same topic but as a different...

Type your answers to the prompts below in a Word document. Remember to include parenthetical citations (in APA format) to reference your sources.  Each answer must be at least 250 words Explain the role of unions in today's workplace.  Compare the general difference...

Unit 1 Class DB: Ten Principles of Economics(ECO202)Choose an article published in the last two weeks in one of these three resources (Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Economist).  Discuss how the article relates to one or more of the Ten Basic Principles of Economics: ...

TOPIC: Select any topic (Process, Knowledge Area, Inputs, Tools/Techniques, Outputs, etc) from the chapters that have been covered this term in Kloppenborg or Pinto.The student is required to choose a journal article regarding the topic selected. The Kloppenborg text has additional readings available at the...

This weeks broad current topic area is Healthcare Policy & Regulation –Dealing with repeal/replace/modification of current healthcare policy, regulations, political uncertainty/antagonism and lack of a disciplined regulatory process. You need to select a subject under this week's broad topic area. It is important that you select a...

This weeks broad current topic area is Next Generation Payment Models –Developing and integrating technical and operational infrastructure and programs for a more collaborative and equitable approach to manage costs, sharing risk and enhanced quality outcomes in the transition from volume to value. Value-based programs reward health...

Thoughtfully answer one of the following questions, then meaningfully respond to two other students’ answers. In what ways were the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the 17thcentury English revolutions alike? In what ways were they different? Recently, scholars have recognized that cultural...

Throughout this course, you will complete assignments that will help you develop a persuasive essay about your issue. In this assignment, you'll take the first step in this process by writing some notes about your issue. Remember to apply what you have learned thus far...

Throughout your education, you have been asked to research topics and write papers, engage in thought-provoking discussions, consider diverse perspectives, and a host of other challenges that have required you to use both your discipline-specific skills as well as your soft skills. These are called...

This week’s assigned readings are centered on the issue of an organizations for-profit or nonprofit status. For your initial post in this week’s discussion, compare and contrast for-profit and nonprofit organizations in terms of their financial and economic policies. How do the tax regulations differ between...