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Engineering News Report ( publishes the Top Construction Companies in various categories each year. Pick the “Most Safe Category” and write a 3,000-word essay on what makes construction companies successful with adapting safety on the jobsite and explore the negative consequences if a company chooses...

Ethics and DutyAddress the following in a 1–2-page paper: Explain deontology and the role of the categorical imperative in determining one’s ethical duty. Illustrate your understanding of this ethical theory with a concrete example of an ethical dilemma. Discuss an ethical theory...

Due Tuesday June 30, 2020 @ 11pm eastern timeAl-Haddad & Kotnour (2015) describes the change models of Kotter and Lewin. In an essay, compare and contrast these change models or any other early research that focuses on individual behaviors and resistance to change.1. Explain each...

Each group is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. Your slides should be combined as one presentation.  Only one (1) group...

Due on Monday 06/29/20watch the video, Workplace Leadership (Segment 1: “Leaders Getting Things Done,” Segment 2: “Managers and Employee Morale,” and Segment 3: “Leaders as Managers”). Link below if you cant access from here I have attached the directions with the link In a two-page paper,...

Discussion OneCost minimization is a basic rule used in business that determines what portion of input, usually labor and capital (Bounthayong, 2019), will create an output at the lowest cost.  This can be further explained by a reduction of cost and getting the most for...

Discussion oneTo answer the question, Are Apple goods Really Veblen goods? Veblen goods, cause something called the Veblen effect, which is where consumers purchase the products no matter how high the price goes up (Worstall, 2014). The reasoning behind this perhaps, is that consumers who...

Develop a 7-page process improvement plan for a provided scenario or a business and process of your choice, using data to support your recommendations.IntroductionThis portfolio work project, a process improvement plan, will help you demonstrate competencies in process documentation, process analysis, and process improvement. ScenarioWild Dog Coffee...

Develop a comprehensive earned value analysis report.This portfolio work project, an earned value management analysis, is based on your selected business or IT project. You may base your assessment on the Revive LLC case study for the development of a new online employee orientation module....

Develop a high-level funding schedule using an Excel spreadsheet for your new venture business concept that can be used to discuss cash requirements for the first year of operations with prospective investors. The spreadsheet should be prepared on a MONTHLY basis and should include the...