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Based upon watching the Groupon video (COPY LINK IN YOUR BROWSER) If you cannot view do a Google Search based on the title:The Groupon Disaster - A Case Study for Entrepreneursalso look at the pdf version in the Content area. What are your thoughts about consumer...

Big Date - topic Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated.  Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by...

Assignment Details This assignment has 4 parts. Answer each question. One paragraph for each answer.   What competencies were you able to develop in researching and  writing the course Comprehensive Project? How did you leverage knowledge  gained in the intellipath assignments (Units 1- 4) in...

Assignment Content Purpose of AssignmentThis assignment is designed to help students understand the interrelationships between brand strategy and the communication message to the target audience.Assignment StepsResources: Marketing Plan and OutlineDevelop a minimum 700-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft® Word. This document should address...

Assignment 1—Advertising Appeals: (how does advertisement get you to do something or 'appeal to you to get you to buy'Advertising appeals are designed to stimulate a consumer need or want that will ultimately become an exchange.Common advertising appeals include health, fear, admiration, convenience, fun and...

Answer the following questions after reading the case in the book and watching the video.  Is Mary Kay an international firm, a multinational firm, or a transnational firm based on its marketing strategy? What global market-entry strategy did Mary Kay use when it...

According to the authors, privacy and security go hand in hand; and hence, privacy cannot be protected without implementing proper security controls and technologies. Today, organizations must make not only reasonable efforts to offer protection of privacy of data, but also must go much further...

A product that a potential buyer knows about but is not actually seeing is called an 'unsought' product. Do you feel that the continued marketing of unsought products is unethical? Discuss your answer in terms of the AMA Statement of Ethics. Also, discuss how marketing...

10 pages not including introduction pages or references. STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANINTRODUCTIONThis assignment entails development of a comprehensive strategic  marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to  market”. A Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your  work in...

2 pages, single spaced using 12 point Verdana font. answer these questions in a question/answer format. in addition to 1-2 pages of exhibits.  These additional pages could include graphs, tables, schematic drawings, photos, advertisements, etc (only from the case pdf). They must not be additional text....