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Research: Data Mining Applications.Background: As noted by Efraim (2020), data mining has become a popular tool in addressing many complex business problems and opportunities. It has proven to be very successful and helpful in many areas such as banking, insurance, and etc. The goal of...

Required Reading: Chapter 2 in the text AKCIL, U., ALTINAY, Z., DAGLI, G., & ALTINAY, F. (2019). The Role of Technology Leadership: Innovation for School Leadership in Digital Age. ELearning & Software for Education, 2, 323. Optional Resources:Chapter 2 Journal articles Journal Article...

Required Readings The Benefits of Learning Ethical Hacking (Posted in Penetration Testing on August 29, 2018) When Ethical Hacking Can't Compete the required reading material and summarize one of the scholarly articles listed on the selected websites. In 350 words, and using your own words, explain...

Required Text: Stair, R. M., & Reynolds, G. W. (2018). Principles of information systems. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Discussion:After reading articles(given below) on Information System Success and Satisfaction. How do you believe an organization should measure information system success and satisfaction in the enterprise?Article-1Doll, W., &...

Requirement attached in word file. Sample APA format also attached. Make sure you will follow the APA format strictly with Table Content and point wise.  1. - What is an Information Technology Project? (Max 50 words) ”Cite the source - Use APA'2. - What is research? (Max 100 words)  “Cite the...

Research -- Chapt 7 InteractivityWeek 7 Interactivity Research AssignmentBackground: Applying the material covered in Chapter 6 and now in Chapter 7 specifically focusing on Interactivity, the assignment for this chapter will analyze the gallery of 49 chart types from Chapter 6 and provide the following...

Research paper: • Describe the organization’s environment and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.• Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.• Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.• Explain Windows...

Research Report on comparative analysis of two programming languages Python and Go languageMust follow the guide and instructions PDF.Research Report Guide: The structure of the paper MUST follow the guide & instructions. Please find attached both documents.  Include All sections Front Matter - Title...

Ref: Jennings, M. (2018). Business: Its legal, ethical, and global environment (11th Edition). Cengage Learning, Boston, MA.Write 500 words1. Discuss the various defenses in contract formation, stating what is required to establish each individual defense, and providing examples of when the defense may be found...

Read chapter 25, Considering an IT organization you are familiar with, describe how the same ERM techniques from this week's use case (chapter 25) could be used to mitigate risks. If you do not think the same ERM techniques can be used in the organization...