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Question Description A. Multiple Choice (0.5 pint each) 1.The following are all important functions of money, except: a) Acts a medium of exchange. b) Acts as an indicator of social status. c) Acts as a store of value. d) Acts as a unit of account. 2....

Question Description Documents attached is the requirement of this plot and the plot I did. But my instructor just graded this work. The plot should be 15 years long which means just plot data from 2003 to 2018. The 2010 is still the base year(normalized as...

Question Description Write 1-2 pages answer the question without quoting what the author say. Focus on explaining by understanding the question. Kindle book will be provide On page 437 Marx poses the following riddle: “Why does the capitalist, whose sole concern is to produce exchange value, continually strive to...

Question Description here are the files and instructions for the Functional Analysis Assignment. In this assignment, you will complete a MAS and FAST and functional analysis for a hypothetical child named "Stacy". The final project should contain three graphs (MAS graph, FAST graph, and a functional analysis...

Question Description Econ 3353 - Paper Assignment Your job is to summarize a special report from The Economist published in last 4 years (2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019). The special report you choose must be about globalization, trade, or any international issue. If you’re not sure, choose...

Question Description Assignment 1: Economic Brief Due Week 5, worth 150 points This assignment is aligned to these course outcomes: Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world. Summarize the different types of market structures and the role of government in economics. In the workplace, we are often asked...

Question Description 1. Demonstrate your understanding of the consumption function’s role in macroeconomic theory. 2. Demonstrate your ability to perform data (regression) analysis in either Excel. 3. Demonstrate your ability to interpret regression results. 4. Demonstrate your ability to tie empirical results to macroeconomic theory. Specific Steps: 1. Download consumption...

Question Description Please respond to the following in approximately 2-3 paragraphs: For this assignment, please come up with a diagram (i.e. using a two-player decision matrix such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma example in the Learning Notes) for an original game theory/prisoner's dilemma scenario (either in business, politics,...

Question Description Hello Kevin, Thank you so much for the last 2 summaries. now i need the same work, but for chapter 3 and 4. each chapter separate summary please. the book name is Naked Economics. NOT NAKED STATISTICS. the instructor graded the last 2 summaries but gave me...