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Question Description Your final project for this course is a detailed analysis of a specific problem statement. How economic themes, such as demand, production, cost, and market structure relate to a particular company will be a focus of this analysis. The final deliverable will include an...

Question Description Students must prepare a three to four page typewritten double-spaced paper on a current macroeconomic topic that is pertinent to class material. This can be chosen from the textbook, newspapers, magazines, or current economics periodicals. Students will be expected to analyze and evaluate the issue...

Question Description Why is domestic monetary policy ineffective in an open economy under a fixed exchange rate regime? Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain in your...

Question Description To ensure that as many trial subscriptions to the 3-For-All service as possible are converted to regular subs, the marketing dept works closely with the customer support dept to accomplish a smooth initial process for the trial sub customers. To assist in this effort,...

Question Description What is a positive economic statement? What is a normative economic statement? Provide a real world example of each (other than those given in the chapter). Please explain why each statement would be considered either positive or normative. Please include sources with your posting....

Question Description Purpose: In this assignment, you will read and evaluate an article on age discrimination, “New Evidence on Age Bias in Hiring, and a Push to Fight It” published in the New York Times on June 7th, 2019. While we did not cover age discrimination explicitly in...

Question Description Term Paper: Students must prepare a three to four page typewritten double-spaced paper on a current macroeconomic topic that is pertinent to class material. This can be chosen from the textbook, newspapers, magazines, or current economics periodicals. Students will be expected to analyze and evaluate the...

Question Description Give an example of a good that has elastic demand. What is the value of the price elasticity if demand is elastic? Give an example of a good that has inelastic demand. What is the value of the price elasticity if demand is inelastic? Please...

Question Description The prompt is included in the file called "writing assignment", the essay required me to read the article in the file and answer the questions. One of the questions is to compared previous article to this one. I think it's about age discrimination. I...

Question Description As you know, the business cycle refers to the up (expansion) and down (recession) of economic activity over time as measured by real GDP. Briefly, explain how these ups and downs affect the following variables. In other words, I want you to show your...