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Review the effectiveness of each leader and comment on each in APA format with references 400 words.-Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Health-Dr. Debra Birx, White House Task Force-Dr. Stephen Hahn, Food & Drug Administration-Dr. Robert Redfield, Center for Disease Control and Prevention-Dr. Tedros Adhanom...

Review of EthicsIn this discussion, you will look at the action research proposal you selected in Week Two and discuss ethical considerations of the research.Initial Posting:Post an initial response that addresses the following areas: Post the full 6th edition APA reference entry from your...

Respond in a paragraph to the discussion board. In your response, DO NOT JUST AGREE OR DISAGREE IN THE RESPONSE, tell the reason for your response. Your response must be at least 100 words.  Each answer separately. Use APA 7.Peer1Kendra Chapter 11 Lecture Summary There are many...

Research the implications of equal protection for K-12 students within one of the following groups: Classifications based on English language learners; In a 500-750-word essay, address the following for the group that you have chosen: Summarize the factual background on how the...

Research SMART goals and other goal setting strategies in the University Library and review the 'Making SMART Goals Smarter' article located in the Week 5 Electronic Reserve Readings. Refer to the stages of coaching and mentoring found on pg. 18 of Student-Centered Coaching. Design a professional learning opportunity for coaches of teachers...

Researching Theory and Scientific Knowledge - Write a 1500-1700 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do...

Resource ManualSince Mr. Franklin has been expressing his confusion regarding special education and the students’ needs, you have decided to create a user-friendly guide that has relevant resources, definitions, examples, and family-based privacy information specific to students with disabilities.Instructions As you move through the program,...

Research Article Review InstructionsRationale: The teaching profession is increasingly influenced by research on effective instructional practices. For instance, teacher candidates are licensed to teach only after they demonstrate proficiency in research-based standards. Once they are licensed and enter the field, they will be evaluated according...

Reflect on communication strategies in your school or organization. Consider the following questions:  What communication strategies work well? How do you know? What communication strategies need improvement? How do you know? Develop a communication plan for coaches and teachers on your campus. Your plan should:  ...

ReflectingThis journal assesses your ability to apply collaboration and cooperation as it relates to action research proposals. This assessment also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 5.InstructionsUsing support from your assigned reading, the Instructor Guidance, and the discussions, submit the following for evaluation. Use...