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This forum has two parts.  Recall the two presidential speeches that were given by both President Obama and President Reagan, respectively.  Note that these two presidents used the Rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over those who agreed with their viewpoints, but also...

The Role of Culture in ChildrearingCulture, representing what each individual has learned through his or her unique process of socialization, influences our theories of childrearing. Decisions about whether a 3-month-old should be allowed to 'cry it out' or be picked up and soothed; when it...

Reflective Essay: Individual Learning Plan-                                                    Reading Literacy  To help prepare:· Use SAMPLE to Review Dispositions Survey 2 for this module’s Discussion and compare both your initial and current survey ratings.· Review your Individual Learning Plan Part 1 and assess your progress in completing the activities you had...

A philosophy of education is a statement regarding your beliefs and values about education. This statement is often required as part of the application process in gaining employment as a teacher.  Create a 750-1,000 word draft of your educational philosophy. Your philosophy may be grounded in...

Application: Observing Infant DevelopmentAs emphasized in the Learning Resources, observation is an essential part of assessment and planning in infant settings. And, for you as a student, observing is an important way to enhance your understanding of the concepts and ideas presented in this course.The...

Implementing AssessmentConsider the following scenario: You are working as a developmental specialist in an early intervention program. As part of your responsibilities, you are required to develop early intervention plans based on assessment data that has already been gathered. You have recently been charged...

ASSIGNMENT 1 Module 1 - CaseKnowledge Transfer; Performance Management; On-The-Job TrainingKnowledge TransferMany employers do not have a plan to manage and transfer knowledge. Because workforce dynamics have changed, there is a greater need than ever for a knowledge-transfer strategy. Business wisdom is taken from organizations...

Nonparental Care     Choose one of the three nonparental care choices: nannies, center-based, or family-based care. Imagine that you are trying to sell your chosen method of care to a prospective client who is a parent of a toddler. Share the advantages of your childcare setting...

Discussion 1 Very young children are usually highly motivated to learn (such as exploring gravity by dropping things from the highchair), but this often declines as they grow. With your readings in mind, think about your own motivational drive. What pushes you the most: extrinsic or...

Hello, This paper is for an Allied Health class and is due tomorrow Tuesday October 16th, 2018 by 9pm CDT. PLEASE NO PLAGARISM. I need a 90% or better. If you have any questions, please chat me. The details are below: In a two page, double spaced...