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Develop an outline for your research paper that will highlight the main ideas you will address considering your chosen topic. Each of your main ideas should contain four or more pieces of supporting evidence from scholarly resources. The outline should be a minimum of two...

Read this ARTICLE  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.- Through extended research,  and use of your text AND outside resources, respond with your thoughts  on the matter and how this may affect and effect the sports management  field, be specific to an aspect...

The Rough DraftCase Study Scenario:You were hired by XYZ University as a consultant. They wanted you to research an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit future students and the community. Your initial recommendation is based on the research you have collected...

Students, review the information on page 90, figure 4.4 in your text. There are 10 questions on that page, read and answer the questions about yourself. Then poll your students using these same questions, share your feedback.Review page 93. What are your expert opinions about...

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts, analyzing their reasons American Colonial colleges did not emulate the Oxford and Cambridge ideal. Respond to two of your classmates, making suggestions for expanding their viewpoints. Provide justification for your reasoning.  Anthony PatrickThelin (2011) noted that the English...

Discuss the following: What evidence did you see and hear by watching Mr. Pronovost Differentiating Instruction Through Interactive Games (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.that supports what has been learned thus far regarding setting & communicating learning objectives, using the gradual release model,...

Research diagnostic evaluation assessments in the four areas listed below. Identify one example for each area. Academic achievement IQ Adaptive behavior scales Behavior rating scaleCreate a matrix of the tools you researched. For each assessment identified include: The name of...

Please respond to the following discussion questions:Give reasons in support of your responses. Be sure to cite any relevant resources.Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all the components of the discussion question in detail; include citations of...

Module 1 CaseFirst, read the information on this site. Then, discuss in 2-3 pages (not including the cover sheet and bibliography) the following items:Shuttleworth, M. (n.d.). Different research methods. Retrieved September 21, 2015, from Assignment1. Describe the “research process.” What are the steps involved...