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Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch the Ashford University Library’s Scholarly & Popular Resources (Links to an external site.) video. Then visit the Week 3 section of the GEN 104 LibGuide in the library. You will find a list of articles grouped...

Present Level of Performance      This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective: Examine the importance of a student’s present levels of performance in the development of an Individualized Education Program.  The discussion represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcome1 and 3...

Proactive Classroom StrategiesIn this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the weekly learning objectives: Compare positive proactive classroom behavior strategies and Identify strategies for managing student behavior.  Additionally, completion of this assignment represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcome 3  and MASE Program Learning...

Positive Behavior Planning      This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective: Compare positive proactive classroom behavior strategies.  The discussion represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcome 3 and the MASE Program Learning Outcome 1.In an authentic classroom environment, discipline procedures can...

Please respond to each questions in 150 words each. Must be original work and must be APA formatted. Discuss the impact of the Progressive movement on the creation of the Arizona Constitution, including the declaration of rights, ballot initiatives, and recall of judges. Defend...

Please answer these two questions based on the readings-1) According to Jim Cummins, social language (BICS) takes 1-3 years while academic language (CALPS) is more difficult and takes 5-8 years to develop. How can teachers help English language learners develop academic language? How can teachers...

Please do the following assignment based on the readings and RUBRIC- Using the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards from Arizona or from your state, select the stage for a grade level of your choice. Based on the Common Core Standards’ English Language Arts (ELA) performance objectives...

Please follow all directions and rubric- (Make up a fake interview) Physical activity is a component of children’s development that will be incorporated into everyday learning. Educators find creative ways to incorporate more movement and play in the early childhood classrooms.Find a birth to Pre-K child care...

Planning a Science Unit Plan For this course, you will prepare a weeklong science unit plan. Each assignment will scaffold to create the benchmark. Each week, for each assignment, you will be completing a portion of the science unit plan.The unit plan will be aligned to...

OverviewThis Assessment is a Performance Task in which you are asked to assume the role of the director of a specific early childhood center. You have been the assistant director at Elmtree Early Childhood Care Center for several years. The current director of Elmtree is...