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Once during the semester, you’ll contribute to the class Discussion Board on Canvas by posting an artifact, or a real-life example, of one bolded term or concept from your assigned theory, not the whole theory.  Your real-life example cannot be a real-life example that...

In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise: Describe the rationale for the methods...

Objectives:Skills: Students will practice analyzing artwork using evidence from the vocabulary of form and concept; Students will practice the basic art skill of learning how to change and strengthen a work of art by critiquing it; Students will practice writing skills (organization,...

Health Inspection Research Assignment:Students will research a failed restaurant from the SNHD reports and provide a recap as well as recommendations for how the licensee could have avoided the reported failures.Building upon the dirty dining assignment, students will search under the SNHD website for a...

Create a PR strategy, tool, or technique to address one of the two assignments. Keep in mind the elements that make a story newsworthy which you learned about in Chapter 2.Assignment 1: Select an expert endorser and a well-known celebrity to build media attention, credibility and acceptance...

Read the following directions carefully.Write a Whom it may concern letter why you need your drivers license for work and why you would get fired for not showing up to work. Basically write a letter explaining why you REALLY need your license to drive to...

PROPOSAL Directions: Create a proposal.  This proposal may be for any civic, academic or professional or personal area for which you have researched possible solution(s).  This may be a realistic proposal you wish to send. At a minimum, you must have an executive summary, proposal must...

Chapter 11 describes the news values considered by editorial boards as criteria for gatekeeping. These values are:·Impact·Proximity·Timeliness·Prominence·Conflict·Currency·The bizarreApply the theory of gatekeeping to a newspaper of your choice by doing the following:1) Choose one newspaper to analyze.2) Analyze the news values reflected on the front...

You will identify a specific problem, reflect on the nature of that problem, and discuss the various ways that different people have tried to respond to the problem. To discover what others think, you will need to do some research (through the library, on the...