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Your second essay in the course is a media analysis essay--please see the attached file for specific guidelines. You will need to get your topic approved through the third discussion board post. We will work on an annotated bibliography for your paper before the paper...

Using the vocabulary from your reading about “characters” describe 'Mitch' (Mekhi Phifer) in the Movie 'Paid In Full'.   Explore in the post why you chose this character, their importance in the film, and why you feel the terms you chose to apply to them (i.e....

For this draft you should fix any mistakes that I noted on the first draft (Quite a few people need to add to their thesis statements and make them more complex. Other people need to add an argument to their thesis statements.), make sure you're...

Step 2.  Each student will create an informative report. This report will be based on a single company based in the industry you have selected which is internet of things (IOT) company I USA. Hint the larger the company the more information you will find....

WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT: Last week you described community partnerships and volunteers within your organization. You also discussed the benefits of service learning for students and communities. Your task this week is to expand your research to cultural challenges, humanitarian considers, and roadblocks faced...

Standup is a great medium for thinking about rhetoric. The jokes largely rely on how they are told, which encompasses everything from persona to body language to tone. Think about a comedian like Zach Galifianakis, whose persona is deeply ironic––there are meta jokes/jokes about jokes,...

The topic is about: STAKEHOLDERS:CON:OIL DISTRIBUTORS, NATURAL GAS PLANTS, FUEL DISTRIBUTORS, ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON BUSINESS AND WESTERN STATES PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION – The association feels that Washington state businesses are already green enough, and that this tax would have an immediate impact on consumers in “ the state of Washington”...

Dirty Dining Research Assignment:Students will watch a dirty dining segment online and report on what could have been done to be in compliance during the most recent inspection.This writeup should be no more then 1 page and consist of the following:venuecorrective issuehow to solve corrective...

Create a power point presentation that explores the security threats that infectious diseases can create for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Research a disease that is a threat of becoming pandemic and harming the population. Research the policies that the Ministry of Health have in...

I wrote a para based on a memo, and need help to edit on it. (1)Rubric,(2) text, (3) My para is attached below.*Question: Why is this memo is appropriately delivers its 'bad news' message to employees. to support your argument, use specific details from the provided...