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Discuss how policy practitioners often need to use a variety of policy skills to accomplish it. Discuss why policy practitioners need a variety of skills, rather than only one or two, to be effective in changing policies. Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses as it...

3–5 pages You are an environmental behavioral specialist for criminal justice professionals in the law enforcement field. The chief of police has asked you to review the seven-person undercover narcotics unit because there have been several internal affairs investigations involving excessive use of force, mishandling of...

What did pres. Washington mean in his 'farewell address' when he warned of the dangers of factions and divisions created by the negative impacts of 'political parties'? what is the impact of party organization and leadership through the first century of our nation's history in...

Research and explain the following: What are the opportunities different groups and entities have to make their concerns known while the budget is being developed? What are the differences in the opportunities afforded to various types of groups to provide that input? ...

 Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)For all Assessments, the following general requirements hold:(1) Assignments should be 2-3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins.(2) Citations to the material are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style).(3) Assignments should be turned into...

Program-Level Objectives met with this assignment:  Critical Thinking Skills Personal Responsibility Social Responsibility CommunicationCourse-Level Objectives met with this assignment:  Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the...

5–6 paragraphs You are the special teams commander in a major metropolitan police agency. You have a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, a narcotics unit, a vice unit, and a street crimes squad. You have heard that the street crime squad is starting to have...

American Government:  What role do you feel the media plays in the U.S. political system? How does social and alternative media play into this influence? Do you believe the media has too much, too little, or just about the right amount of influence in the...

During the operations of unmanned systems, incidents or accidents can happen. The process in mitigating the negative outcomes or preventing such cases from happening is called safety management and risk assessment.Risk assessments of negative scenarios are relevant tools in risk management. While they are useful in...

Activity for Assessment:Education in the United States is in a somewhat precarious situation as a result of low funding, low teacher pay, lack of resources, etc.  Texas is not exempt from this.  In fact, we have been struggling for years to find a way to...