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Please post your topic selections for the 1st essay and describe what motivated you to select this topic. Include a tentative thesis for each topic.Please select two topic from the list below. Labor Conditions at the Turn of the Century The Economic Structure...

Question 01(Franklin)Discuss the reaction of African Americans to the emergence of revolutionary sentiments in the colonies. How did slaves agitate for their freedom?” How did whites respond to growing demands by black people for their liberty?Question 02(Williams) Read page 169 “Saul, a Slave Revolutionary Veteran.” Explain the document. What...

Assignment 1.1: A Changing World Thesis and OutlineDue Week 3 and worth 50 points“The discovery of America, and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind”—Adam Smith,...

Trace the evolution of your profession (or another chosen profession), field of study, or branch of service, starting in the Cold War era and continuing all the way to the present, globalized world.As you begin gathering research, make sure to consider important social, political, and...

As part of this coursework for this class, you will contribute blog posts throughout the semester according to the requirements listed on the syllabus. Make sure you are attentive to any deadlines posted on the syllabus or agreed to in conjunction with the professor.In this...

Your response is to be between 150 - 250 words.  As  African Americans attempted to assert and claim their citizenship and civil rights, they experienced violent backlash from whites who embraced white supremacist ideologies. Some of these African Americans had migrated to urban centers where whites...

PromptIn 1898, the U.S. found itself at war with Spain. Victory at the conclusion of the Spanish American War brought the United States a global empire – one that was welcomed by many in the country and decried by those recently freed from Spanish control....

As you considered the changes and new ideas that permeated through North America in the first half of the 18th century, what aspects did you find most influential? What new historical understandings did you develop through your examination? Your discussion should be at least three...

How has the frontier shaped American history? For this answer, be sure to define what you mean by the word frontier, and then elaborate on its connections to several developments in American history including (but not limited to) political institutions, social relations, ideas about race,...

Do not grade or critique students work be respectfully and add to the discussion First response to AprilConcerning legislation, the Reconstruction Amendments produced the longest-lasting success of Congressional Reconstruction. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery (Foner, 2017, p.582), the Fourteenth granted citizenship to African-Americans (Foner, 2017, p....