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Discuss the distinctly Islamic features of the Dome of the Rock.  Give a specific example to support your ideas and describe the elements of style that give the building the appearance of Islamic architecture.NoteWhen you write about art history always mention issues of social, political,...

Executive Order 9066During World War II, the federal government removed over 120,000 men, women, and children of Japanese descent (both foreign-born “issei” and native-born “nisei”) from the West Coast and interned in camps. President Roosevelt authorized the internments with his Executive Order No. 9066, issued...

1) For your weekly written response, please review our biography readings on Leyster and Van Dyck to get a sense of the aspects of an artist's life that are considered significant in the context of art history. Then, select one Baroque artist from any part...

1. Distinguish the “iconic” from the “narrative” in Early Christian and Byzantine art, locating one example of each in this chapter. How are these two traditions used by the Church and its members?2. Distinguish the identifying features of basilicas and central-plan churches, and discuss how...

Participate in the Discussion Forum. Make sure to post in the following order:  1) You should also make one post on the Perry (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. readings and comment on another student's post. 2) Post your reaction to the places...

Write a short essay to address one of the following questions. 1) Identify the major contribution of Greek civilization regarding political theory and government. 2) Identify the key differences between Spartan and Athenian societies. 3) Examine the key factors leading up to the Greek victory...

The Tempest: St. Louis Shakespeare Festival  Watch the video above and write a two-page reflection to explain your viewing experience.  For this assignment, you will view the above video and complete a two-page reflection that addresses the following: Identify the performance that you...

Annotated Bibliography (Five Annotations Required)-TOPIC:  Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which this history impacts contemporary society.Create a complete Annotated Bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources, which include your introduction and thesis, publication details, and the annotation (see below for examples...

Selections from Thucydides 2.34-65 (Pericles’ funeral oration, the plague, and Thucydides’ assessment of Pericles)Why doesn’t Pericles think a speech is a fitting way to honor the fallen?What features of Athenian democracy does Pericles emphasize and what opinion does he seem to have of democracy?What do...