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Discuss the rise of Bronze Age civilizations, the Bronze Age Collapse, and the rise Iron Age civilizations,  specifically analyzing three civilizations from each era, the reasons for their rise and fall, and how each was built on a foundation of its predecessors. Answer in 2-3 paragraphs....

A. Daoism   Summarize what the main understanding of Daoism is.      -What is the meaning of Ying and Yang in this religion?     -In what ways has  Divination been a part of  Daoism? Definition of Divination:the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discoverhidden...

Read the attached document for more information on the order. Plagiarism-free work + critical thinking is required. 1. Cover page in proper format, font, including spacing in the Turabian style.  2. 5 pages not including the cover page and bibliography with an intro-thesis included in the...

Choose at least two sources on the Black Death.. These sources may be e-books or articles. Then, write an essay of at least one page on the following topic:Characterize the significance of the Black Death’s impacts on the economic and cultural life of medieval Europe. Then,...

1. Choose any of the Roman emperors, and write a biographical sketch explaining what you see as his most notable actions and character traits that impacted Western civilization.A biographical sketch is shorter and more specific than a typical biography of a person's character, life, and...

WORLD MARKETS AND ATLANTIC REVOLUTIONS, 1345-1888Details: In 300-500 words develop a written argument and historical explanation for any of the following essential questions found in your course notes for weeks 1-2. In order to receive full credit for the assignment, the answer in your essay...

Please write a 1750+ word paper that discusses one religious work from three different artists and explain how these works each reveal their meaning through a complex formula of Renaissance religious symbolism and naturalistic beauty. Your first artist will be Masaccio, then you may use...

Please note the requirements are attached!!!!!!!    Dear Students, a Double-Spaced Typed copy of your book review from My Summer '20 List is due to me in your Book Review Turn In Link in Blackboard by the above deadline.   Please keep in mind that I WILL GLADLY ACCEPT your Final Drafts turned...

MUS 2433 Writing Assignment: Critical Review of 'World Music' Recording Choose either Topic A or Topic B. • Suggested length: 3 pages or 600 words. • Final Paper Due in Module 5 • Completion Time: Final draft – 4 hours. Topic A: A defining feature of 'world music,' 'world beat,' or...

ENCOUNTERS AND EMPIRES, 1200-1550Details: In 300-500 words develop a written argument and historical explanation for any of the following essential questions found in your course notes for weeks 1-2. In order to receive full credit for the assignment, the answer in your essay should include...