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length: one page Your Draft should be no more than one-page, type-written, in double space. It should include your thesis statement which will become your essay's first paragraph .Since the publication of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978), his critique of Orientalist knowledge and representations has gradually but...

Thread: Provide a brief history of the sex offender notification/registration in the United States and explain the specific sex offender registration laws in your state (or a state that you are curious about). Review the presentation titled, “Corrections (Part 2)” found in the Reading &...

You must provide factual information relating to the person, event, or movement, etc. I am looking for enough detail and enough specificity so it is clear you have a solid grasp of the subject matter. Many students find it helpful to run through the 'who,'...

topic:What does it mean to suggest that yōkai are uncanny? Explore Freud’s concept of the uncanny and write about its value (or lack thereof?) for the study of Japanese yōkai. Freud’s essay can be found here.rules:Your essay should be about 2000 words long (double spaced,...

CSTU 101- Western Culture   Background to the assignment: Who “owns” the past? Who has the right to define what the past means for us today? This assignment asks you to reflect on these questions. In the course of this assignment, you will discover that ancient...

Which country is to blame for WWI? Informed by Palmer, Ch. 17, take sides on the debate in the British newspapers (see required readings).(1)No longer than half a page, single spaced, using standard margins and a font size of 12 (300-400 words max). Do not...

Essay TopicCarefully follow the instruction and write five pages on the followingdue Wednesday midnight New York time  TopicSince the publication of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978), his critique of Orientalist knowledge and representations ha gradually but deeply affected the way many scholars approach their research subjects...

What is the mercantilist economic theory?  Explain what mercantilists understood as wealth.  What are the implications for this perception of wealth when it comes to things like trade, and the acquisition of goods for trade?  From the Wilberforce article explain the economic justifications provided by...

The prevailing Soviet perspective on the war was that the Soviet Union deserved full credit for defeating Nazi Germany with the Western allies playing a supporting role. (Not surprisingly, this has morphed into the current Russian perspective on the war.)  How justified is this interpretation?...

The assignment is about 1-1.5 pages, double space, and is due on September 19th noon 12:00pm EDT.Readings:Chon A. Noriega, 'Godzilla and the Japanese Nightmare,' in Mick Broderick, ed., Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film, 54-74. Susan Sontag, 'The Imagination of...