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Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:Chapter 1 –discussion question #1 & exercise 15 (limit to one page of analysis for question 15)Chapter 2 – discussion question #1 & exercises 4, 5, and 15(limit to one page of analysis for question 15)When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references...

Complete a Physical Security Assessment (internal and external) of your place of work or living area.  If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community...

Complete Project 1-1: Don Funk Scene 1 Production Tasks (pg.34 of your workbook).  Save your Don Funk Scene 1 project file as YourLastNameYourFirstNameProject1-1 and submit it when done.Complete Project 2-6: Don Funk Music Video Problems (pg.58 of your workbook).  Save your Done Funk Corrected project...

Choose one of the data warehousing / data mart dimensional models listed below. Copy the data model into a MS Word document. In your MS Word document. (You can copy the data model graphic by right-clicking on it. On PCs, the keyboard combination of ctrl-V...

Chapter 13 – According to Franks and Smallwood (2013), information has become the lifeblood of every business organization, and that an increasing volume of information today has increased and exchanged through the use of social networks and Web2.0 tools like blogs, microblogs, and wikis.  When...

Chapter 7 presents a comparative analysis of various tools useful in policymaking. Select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and describe how these tools could be used to develop a policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait...

Chapter 8 - Value Sensitive Design of Complex Product Systems  CHAPTER SUMMARY: Summarize chapter presented during the week. Identify the main point (as in 'What's your point?'), thesis, or conclusion of the key ideas presented in the chapter. SUPPORT: Do research outside of...

Chapter 9 - Stakeholder Engagement in Policy Development: Observations and Lessons from International Experience  CHAPTER SUMMARY: Summarize chapter presented during the week. Identify the main point (as in 'What's your point?'), thesis, or conclusion of the key ideas presented in the chapter. SUPPORT:...

Chapter 12 – From the chapter reading, we learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today.  In addition, the authors provided details to...

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in Cloud ComputingIn many organizations, the primary role of the IT staff is to ensure 99.999% availability of computing resource applications, power, files, networks, and phone systems to name a few.In this assignment, imagine that you have been hired by...