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Unit 2 Assignment: Applying GLM to the Finance Industry Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Apply the main steps of risk management planning.Modify a risk management plan to handle identified risks. Course Outcome: IT528-2: Apply quantitative and qualitative methods to assess, prioritize and report risks.  Purpose Perhaps one of the...

Unit 3 Assignment: Nearest Neighbors for Categorical Prediction Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Integrate methods for assessing risks.Prepare a rubric for classifying risk.Report results of risk analysis. Course Outcome: IT528-3: Develop appropriate action plans that address risks. Purpose There are many methods for categorical prediction using principal components. In this...

Unlike the WBS which fully describes the scope of the project, the schedule identifies the activities required together with the associated logical sequence to produce the project deliverables. How do project managers proceed to the logical sequence from deliverables, to activities? Describe the mechanism to be used for...

Two separate paper one paper is qualitative and one paper is quantitative.You will review both quantitative and qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as...

Topic 1: Generalized Linear Models in PracticeResearch an example of where a real business or organization has used generalized linear modeling to predict a specific outcome. This may be on any topic or in any field or discipline that is interesting to you. In your...

Topic 1: The Risks of MiscategorizationIn discussing risk management and analytics, you should recognize that there is risk inherent simply in the conducting of analytics — especially predictive analytics. What if our predictions are false? What if the data upon which the predictions are based...

This week's reading centered around how Big Data analytics can be used with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to individuals as well as organizations. For this week's research assignment, you are to search the Internet for other uses of Big Data...

This week we discuss each of the different roles that people play in the design, development, and use of information systems.  Please also explain the importance of where the information systems function is placed and the various types of users of information systems.Note: Your response should...

There are several types of intelligence (i.e. human intelligence, signal intelligence, etc.) along with numerous agencies (i.e. CIA, FBI, DEA, DHS, NSA, etc.) that are involved in national and homeland security endeavors.  Much of the intelligence gathered is not provided un-redacted due to the information...

The world around us is changing all the time, and those changes are revolutionizing the way we work and the careers we pursue. This week, think about how one innovation has affected you at home, work, or school.  Explain how your chosen innovation has...