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Assignment Content After a local incident, the leaders in the criminal justice system are conducting a town hall meeting to inform the community on several issues, including diversity issues, programs, and challenges in the criminal justice system.You have been selected by the criminal justice...

As a journalist, you are constantly writing stories to get  people’s attention. Your boss recently asked you to take things to the political sector.  You have been tasked to write an article to address the  four amendments   that you feel have the most significance on...

Are We Able to Defend Ourselves?After September 11, 2011, federal law enforcement agencies were criticized for not being better prepared to deal with terrorists. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was formed in an effort to prevent similar events from happening in the future. The...

Answer both Scenarios in detail for full creditScenario 1 Why must paint collected from a vehicle involved in a hit-and-run accident be taken from the area of the car suspected of being in contact with the victim? Where else should one collect paint...

 Assignment:1. Why do the courts continue to make distinctions between public law enforcement powers and private sector enforcement issues? What is your opinion on this?2. The private security industry may enforce criminal law but it is restricted by civil law. How is this possible? Do you...

Assignment:1. Briefly discuss the seven benefits to the police and community when good relations exist. Which do you feel is the most important, and why?2. Discuss the ways that police corruption impacts public perception of police.3. The authors identify eight steps in the change process...

Discussion Question #2:If a security countermeasure costs as much as, or more than, the loss being protected against for a given period, does it follow that the security measure should be discontinued because it is not cost-effective? What factors influence your decision?...

 Assignment:1. You are the security director for IBID International, a large manufacturer. You have decided to conduct a security survey of the company’s administrative building. You have received the security survey report form (see Appendix C) and a blueprint of the building (see Figure 8-15)....

 Assignment:1. In his Canadian study, Chris Braiden found that bike thefts resulted in 15 times the dollar loss when compared to bank robberies. What implications does this study have, if any, for the provision of police services?2. Discuss the reasons for citizen delays when calling...

 Discussion Question #2:If a security countermeasure costs as much as, or more than, the loss being protected against for a given period, does it follow that the security measure should be discontinued because it is not cost-effective? What factors influence your decision?ALL WORK MUST BE...