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Corruption and misbehavior on the job are serious problems that all police agencies must contend with. Because law enforcement officers are usually unsupervised when interacting with the public and have the power to use physical force, it is critical that they perform their duties ethically.In...

Reactions to Juvenile CasesIn this assignment, you will select and discuss two juvenile cases, the crimes committed, and the various criminal justice theories that may help explain the crime (hint- you will have to draw on knowledge gained from your CJ102 course, Intro to Criminology)....

For the Unit VIII Case Study, you will focus on terrorism and terrorism prevention in your community. Start by conducting research around your community/location for examples of mitigation and prevention against terrorism. When looking for terrorism in your community, consider examples such as an active...

Imagine our society without laws. How would order be maintained? How would individuals be protected from harm? How would society be protected? Law provides these protections, insulating society from mass chaos. Laws are needed to prevent the victimization of innocent people. They also uphold established...

Assignment:Find two (2) journal articles relating to a particular issue in correctional management. (The designated topics are listed below). The UMUC Library is an excellent source for journal articles.See Resources>Library on the classroom toolbar, or see Content>Guide to Criminal Justice Resources.Critique the quality of each...

Public opinion and special interest groups both influence criminal justice public policy in different ways. Compare and contrast public opinion and special interest groups. As part of the comparison, highlight key factors that make these unique influencers of criminal justice public policy. Your essay response...

Revision Due Week 7 and worth 150 pointsHave you ever needed just the facts?At times a formal, objectively written approach is more appropriate or even critical for establishing credibility so that your audience will listen and get informed! The key to informative writing is making...

Task 4Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Use the 7 step process outlined in the MUSE link CHDS Policy Options Analysis. Include the 7 steps in...

Howard returned home from a business trip and discovered his wife Susan asleep in bed with Larry his business partner.  Howard went into a rage, grabbed a knife, and stabbed Larry, who died on the spot. He then went into the kitchen and drank a beer. ...

DISCUSSION QUESTIONSRIGHTPoint of ViewIn the Informative Essay, you are going to be writing in the third person point of view. When writing in third person, the writer does not refer to him or herself by using 'I,' and does not address the reader directly by...