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Writer 4300: I need quality writing!!!! Please follow guidelines below when writing this assignment. Assignment: Practicum – Week 1 Journal Entry As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to connect your classroom experience to your practicum experience. By...

Writing is a process that involves continual drafting and revising. For this Assignment, you will get one-on-one feedback on your writing. Your Instructor will give advice on how to improve that particular piece of writing and, in the process, help you develop skills that...

You are employed by a local health department as manager of environmental health and safety, and one of your big cities is facing increased outbreaks of foodborne illnesses: Describe what secondary and primary drivers you would use to examine and improve food safety. Analyze...

You have been asked to represent your organization at the annual Healthcare Facilities Planning conference in Hawaii. Your specific assignment is to attend a presentation by Ray Dufresne on best practices for capital planning and, when you return, to tell your boss which of...

You will be creating a two-billboard campaign that aims to get the word out about your intervention program. For this assignment: Select a target population within Sentinel City. You can assess Sentinel City by clicking the link below this assignment. Select a public health...

Your instructor will send you the first draft submitted by one of your peers through the classroom email system. Copyedit the other student’s paper using copyediting marks or the Track Changes editing function in Microsoft Word. Provide feedback related to the key problems in...

Writer 4300: I need quality writing!!!! Please follow the guidelines below when writing this assignment. Assignment: Practicum – Week 1 Journal Entry As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to connect your classroom experience to your practicum experience....

Writing Workshop Assignments provide an opportunity to receive feedback on your writing. To prepare for this Assignment: Access your Feedback Journal and consider how you will apply any writing feedback you have received thus far. You have four options for completing this Assignment: Select...

You are on a committee charged with redesigning the unit including nursing stations and patient rooms. Suggestions were solicited from nurses to help inform the redesign project. The following proposals were received by the committee: Proposal 1: Design the rooms with windows on the inside...

You have been asked to research the differences between the services that your organization offers and those of at least one of these academic medical centers. For the purposes of this assignment, use the Web to research community hospitals and academic medical centers and...