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Assignment 2: Finding Your Place on the Scholar–Practitioner ContinuumAn I/O professional has the unique opportunity to both participate in research for the development of the field and apply in practice the fruits of such research efforts. I/O professionals may suggest new lines of research or...

Practical Application EssayThe purpose of this assignment is to apply your theoretical understanding of the coping skills and apply those skills to your own experiences. Read Critical Thinking Question Number 3 on pg. 271 of your textbook and answer the question in a 1-2 page...

Research an article on primary, secondary, and/or tertiary prevention IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Give a brief (approximately one quarter written page) example of primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention as it relates to your article and explain why it is the specific type of prevention in this...

Utilize the Topic 6 Readings to create a PowerPoint presentation of five to six slides on the Progressive Era. Be sure to cite and reference all sources.Include slide notes in your presentation slides. Additionally, include a title, introduction and reference slide(s), which do not count...

Workplace stress can have long-term effects. Our text identifies the following four areas which can increase this type of stress:Role conflict: two or more incompatible demands at work or across work and non-work rolesRole ambiguity: vagueness or unclearness in role responsibilities and functionsWorkload incompatibility: occurs...

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please read the Neimeyer, et al. (2011) “How Special Are the Specialties? Workplace Settings in Counseling and Clinical Psychology in the United States” and Heatherington, et al. (2012) “The Narrowing of Theoretical Orientations in Clinical Psychology Doctoral...

Assignment 3: Essay: Coping with AdversityPart I: Imagine that you are an athlete in a sport of your choice who is mired in a prolonged performance slump. Treating your slump as a type of adversity, create a hypothetical scenario that demonstrates your understanding of the stress...

Assignment 1: Stereotypes Set by Culture and SocietySociology came into existence in the 19th century to explain the enormous changes occasioned by the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and an individualistic mind-set. Unlike agrarian communities, the emerging urban populations were large, numbering in the tens of thousands.These...

It is very likely that while you read some of the selections for this week or watched the video clips you remembered a situation in which you, or someone you know, were faced with (directly or indirectly) an ethical dilemma. This could include a workplace...

Behavioral TheoristsPost your response to the topic below with at least 300 words.  Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support your statements.  Use current APA standards to properly cite your source(s). Discussion...