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Please write a 6-8 page, double-spaced essay answering both of the following questions. Roughly half the space should be used for each question.The papers should be double-spaced, use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1' margins. If you have not done so already, review...

Philosophy final project  Read a book, watch a movie, watch a YouTube or Ted Talk, listen to a  podcast that includes any Philosophy of Mind or Ethics topic:  Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, Personal Identity,  Mind/ Body  Problem, Robots, Conspiracy theories,  Trolley Problems, Ethical  Dilemmas, etc. Apply your...

Paper Topics (Choose one) Consider the scenarios involving the unwilling moral agents of Jim and George in Bernard William’s “Utilitarianism & Integrity”. Describe the events that occur in each scenario (Be detailed your descriptions.) Explain how these events relate to the Brain in a...

Instructions Critical Thinking Go back to your very first journal entry – review your definition of critical thinking. After studying critical thinking for the past eight weeks, would you change your definition in any way?...

In Plato's Republic he paints a very poor picture of human nature--a nature unable to resist corrupting influences. He depicts this in his story of Gyges, an ordinary sheep herder who stumbles upon a sunken ship within a pond and within the ship a body and a...

I have couple of questions and I want an answer for them.The materials for this assignment are :  1- The Remains of the Day.2- “Mother Night” film.Question 1: What is the ethical theory you find most compelling? What is the ethical theory you find least...

Ethnography of the Familiar…or the Unfamiliar  30%  This assignment requires students to conduct a “mini-ethnography” over a period of a day or several days. Like all ethnographies, you should follow ethical guidelines (e.g., “do no harm” and “obtain informed consent”) employ participant observation, interviews, and...

Discussion exercise: Your Favorite FallacyObjectives:Practice citation and bibliography.Explain informal fallacies.Submit in the 'Reply' box. Save your work on a word processor first.Reading:   'Informal Fallacies by John Arthur.' (Readings can be found in Modules: Schedule and Readings).You may also use for  examples of fallacies. On...

Compare how Aristotle, Galen, Vesalius and Harvey approached and explained the anatomy of a human being.  You can choose to focus on a single organ (if they all studied it) or stay more general, with discussions of each’s approach to the field.  Make sure to...