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At least 100 words. Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is gender a topic better left for later? How do parents consider gender norms when buying their children books, movies, and toys? How will the absence...

Assignment 1 Submission: Writing Plan (GRADED)For 2-2 Assignment 1, Milestone 1, (SEE ATTACHED) you created Writing Notes that helped you to consider how the following critical elements related to your persuasive essay topic:· argument*· key points*· audience*· goal*· potential resources*· evidence*· feedback*· revision*Now it's time...

Application: Family Life-Cycle StagesAlthough every individual experiences family life-cycle transitions in unique ways, common challenges and experiences often arise at these transition periods. For example, many couples experience changes in their sexual relationship after they become parents. Likewise, adults’ understanding of what it means to...

Answer original forum with a minimum of 250 wordsRespond to both students on  separate page with a minimum of 100 words eachshould submit 3 pages in allPlease follow direction!!!Original forumGender-based stereotypes are presented through the mass media. Locate an article, cartoon, or advertisement that conveys...

5 pages minimumWill submit work for plagiarism test  Please follow directions!!!!!!People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations.   Recent changes in the legality of same sex marriage, the changing role of women in the military, and...

8. Video Chat Posts.  There are many opportunities to respond to questions posed for the Video Chat assignments. Prompts can be found in the Weekly Modules.  Each post is worth up to 10 points.  Posts should be written at a college level of sophistication with correct...

200 words on the following topic: Please explain Standpoint Theory and what it meant for sociological research for women and minorities.  Paraphrase the contributions to classical sociological theory made by early women sociological thinkers, especially in regards to feminist standpoint theory. Discuss...

1. Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class involves a two-class model of social stratification: an Industry class and a Leisure class. Briefly explain these two classes and how they compare to Marx’s two-class model of stratification? Now please look around our society today. Do we have...

1. Case Management Insider: The full scope of case manager and social workers roles, functions, models, and caseloads  Review the website below to learn more about role of Social Workers in Case Management. do you think? In (100 words)2. Role of the Social Worker in...

No one gets through life alone. To some extent, we are all products of our environments. We learn from our families, schools, and cultures. Every person has to face severe challenges and conquer obstacles. How we face our challenges depends on how we are shaped...