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When working with offenders through the process of reentry, it is important to utilize methods and interventions that have been shown to be effective and that help to reduce recidivism. Social psychology has many applications in the rehabilitation of offenders. This assignment asks you to...

In order to provide the appropriate intervention, social workers first need to have conducted a thorough assessment. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client and their social environment, including the influence of racism and ethnocentrism, allows a social worker to accurately identify the presenting problems...

Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper. Refer to the APA resources found in the course home page, and thoroughly address each of the following questions:Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to...

Week 10  Social Work Values and Ethics  Resources  Readings  • • • • Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. o Chapter 12, 'Social Work Ethics' (pp. 136-147) Gallina, N. (2010).... Video Chat:  'Working Class Hero' was written in 1970.  Do you think the lyrics are still relevant today?  Why or why not?  Use terminology and concepts from the chapter.  Give specific examples.  There are many opportunities to respond to questions posed for the Video Chat assignments....

Q#1: Written Assignment :Part One:  Take a simple survey of 10 people.  Ask them if they are aware of the gender wage gap.  If they answer 'no', then inform them of the wage difference between men and women on the basis of gender alone.  Record...

Week 8   Sociological Aspects of Later Adulthood        Resources   Readings • Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. o Chapter 16, “Sociological Aspects of Later Adulthood” (pp. 715-740) Optional Resources • Tucker-Seeley, R. D., Li, Y., Sorensen, G., &...

Please answer original forum with a minimum of  350 wordsRespond to both students on separate pages with a minimum of 150 wordsplease follow directions or I will dispute!!!Page1- original Forum and references page2- student Response page3- student Response Original ForumWhen I was in elementary school, I didn't run...

Social Structures and Institutions are the formal institutions composed from our government which are supposed to assist and enhance our lives. In many ways they provide essential services for us. However, they can also impair or hinder our development as many are full of racism,...

Explain what you understand or your view in at least 75 words for each questionPromoting Client Goal Ownership in a Clinical Setting  1. Review the article below to gain a better understanding of how to promote client goal ownership in a clinical setting. This article...