Why it is Important to Celebrate Martin Luther King
13221write a 2-3 page essay on (12 point font, double-spaced, Times New Roman...
13221write a 2-3 page essay on (12 point font, double-spaced, Times New Roman...
12636CURRENT EVENT ASSIGNMENT (individual assignment): The student will research a current event using the internet news sources, newspapers, or journals within the past year from when the class began. A good site that you may use is www.hotsheet.com. The student will write at least three paragraphs (300 –...
12587A seven power point presentation with pictures and information based on when the "The Black Plague" occurred. Please see details below: Slide 1: Topic and Student Name Slide 2 through 6: what, where, when, who and why. Slide 7: use at least two creditable sources. Do...
12136As we know, history is alive through the connection between historical events and contemporary events that allow us to recognize, reflect, and apply the opportunities or challenges that arise. The varying culture and characteristics of the many native, migrated, or settlement people that eventually called...
12123A. Directions Part 1: Change Over Time Within the below topic, identify and describe something that changed and something that stayed the same over the course of the below time period. EXAMPLE You might choose to write about U.S. foreign policy between 1970-2016, or immigration between 1877-1920, or...
12122After reading the Unit VII Study Guide and Chapter 14, select one event from the list below: The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act Presidential Election of 1856 Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) The Lincoln-Douglas Debates John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry Presidential Election of 1860 Write a scholarly paper in which you...
12114This 1833 political caricature shows Andrew Jackson as a tyrannical ruler, holding a scepter in one hand, a veto in the other, and standing on the U.S. Constitution, which has been torn to pieces. While many in the 1800s argued that Jackson brought forth the...
12112After completing the Required Unit Resources for Unit IV, carefully read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The transcripts of these important documents can be found at the following websites: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. (n.d.). The Constitution of the Unites States:...
12108Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources ASSIGNMENT: You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary sources, or first-hand accounts or artifacts from the time period that the...