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115351. Discuss the problems with selecting a jury pool that reflects our racially diverse populations. 2. Suggest at least two ways that jury selection can be improved to ensure that a criminal defendant has a jury that can be reasonably described as the defendant's "peers." 3. Discuss...

114831. Explain the difference between informal and formal social controls on the legal system and the pros and cons of judicial activism. 2. Explain the importance of, and differences between, substantive and procedural law and how each keeps the adversarial system in balance to protect individual...

11448write a one-page summary that includes the history of landmark cases that grant due process rights and procedures to juveniles and your understanding of the following Supreme Court decisions, especially as they pertain to the death penalty and requirements for life imprisonment without parole. 1. Roper...

113721. Prepare a two-page case brief of Carpenter v. United States and the Supreme Court’s extension of Fourth Amendment protection to cell phones and locations. Use the Case Brief Template [DOCX]. (ATTACHED) 2. Explain the dissenting opinions of Justices Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy, including your understanding...

113701. Examine two key benefits of accepting a plea bargain over a trial for the prosecutor, the defendant, and the defense attorney. 2. Identify two specific rights that defendants waive when they accept plea bargains....

112931. Explain the fundamental protections available to a defendant under the Sixth Amendment related to the concepts of a speedy trial, an impartial jury, the role of the jury, and the right to face one’s accusers. 2. Prepare a one-page case brief of Ballew v. Georgia. Use...

11265Ben was indicted on 24 state counts of possession of fentanyl, with intent to distribute near an elementary school, and federal racketeering charges in September 2019. While Ben sat in jail, his attorney was able to delay his jury trial a few times so he...

112491. Examine three standards found in the preamble of the ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility or from a state bar association of your choice. 2. Assert the primary reasons why you believe that each standard is important for effectively regulating the actions of attorneys. 3. Provide...

112181. Explain the substantive and procedural protections afforded by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments for defendants charged with crimes today. 2. Explain due process and how the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments comply with the requirements of due process. 3. Prepare a one-page brief of Byrd...

111641. Describe the hierarchy of the federal court system of the United States and what is meant by subject matter jurisdiction. 2. Discuss two requirements that allow for a case to be heard in federal court and explain the power of judicial review. 3. Provide the structure...