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97631. Briefly summarize one of the assigned readings. Your summary should include two sections: a. One should be the ethnographic facts contained in those readings about the country in question. b. One should be about the anthropological issues raised in these studies. 2. Note any similarities of...

9762Instructions Second Set of Journal Entries ( 6% of Final Grade - 3 Entries x 2 Points) One of the requirements of this course is an ongoing reflective journal of personal observation on topics relating to the materials being covered in class. These observations should not be...

9689I chose to work on "Romeo must Die" of Jet Lee. The point here is Chenese culture. The idea is to highlight the ethnographic facts of the Chinese actors in the film...



9398PowerPoint slide presentation on bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states. Your PowerPoint presentation must include a title slide and a reference slide, including the full reference entry citation for, at least, your textbook. Include at least one slide each for bands, for tribes, for chiefdoms, and...

6823Think about the term "artifacts.” Terms and Definitions” document explains that artifacts are “objects that humans have made . . . or invested with a cultured purpose.” Post your thoughts about your understanding of indigenous artifacts....

6819Final Project Guidelines For the Final Project, due in Week 5, you will choose an indigenous heritage, culture, or community other than your own. You will then submit an Ethnographic Narrative that details an exploration of your selected indigenous group of people. Note: To...

6806When indigenous groups feel pressure from outside forces—colonialism in the past, or the seeming juggernaut of a global economy now—historically, the outside forces tend to overcome the indigenous groups. However, indigenous peoples are working toward self-determination and exercising their own agency, or power, to shape...