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13252he Importance of Writing, Research & Application in your Graduate Program Use the assignment-specific template file in the Assignment Expectations section for all Cases and SLPs in this class. The templates are APA-formatted, may contain links and guidance, and include headings for each required section. For this...

12829Week 5 Discussion Analyze the limits that the Stark Amendment applies to doctors in healthcare mergers and acquisitions involving their medical practice. List the possible legal actions a hospital may face if found violating the Stark Amendment. To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and...

12816Week 4 Project Read the following article: Better, Smarter, Healthier: In Historic Announcement, HHS Sets Clear Goals Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in Analyzing Strategic Health Care Cases in your course textbook Strategic Management of Health Care...

12815Week 4 Discussion Rural Health Care is a growing and demanding delivery model. Of the policies which address rural care the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) has been one of the most important. Explain the role of the National Health Service Corp (NHSC) and some of...

12805Week 3 Project IMPORTANT! For your W3 Project, you read the article, The Impact of The ACA’s Medicaid Expansion on Hospital’s Uncompensated Care Burden and the Potential Effects of Repeal. Be sure to follow the guidelines that I provided in week one. For example, you conduct...

12801Before the end of the Week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal...

12791Week 2 Project Read the following article: Community Health Center Efficiency: The Role of Grant Revenues in Health Center Efficiency Community health center efficiency: the role of grant revenues in health center efficiency - PubMed ( ...