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11999Use the Strayer University Library to conduct independent research on mental illness and its relationship to criminal behavior. Watch this video, My Son Was a Columbine Shooter. This Is My Story. Sue Klebold, the mother of Dylan Klebold, spent many years analyzing what she could have...

119831. What environmental factors contribute to the formation and growth of gangs in metropolitan areas? 2. Why is it important to understand macro-level theories and their modern-day applications to gang involvement and activity?...

119631. Summarize the major gangs that exist in the United States today. 2. Outline the National Gang Intelligence Center’s assessment of the gangs that pose the greatest threat to the United States. 3. Determine the major trends in gang activity based on your review of...

11960Locate a minimum of three current articles (within the past three years) from the resource: What We Investigate: Gang News. USE THIS WEBSITE Please respond to the following in a substantive post: 1. Summarize each of the three articles you selected from the...

11476PART 1: Fill out the ATTACHED CHART by compiling the following demographic and crime trend data for U.S. city (Philadelphia, PA) and for non-U.S. city (Paris, France): 1. Geographic location. 2. Total population. 3. Population by age. 4. Population by race. 5. Population by gender. 6. Population by socioeconomic status. 7....

114731. Describe the harm to a community resulting from the criminal behavior of a: a. Gang member drug dealer. b. White-collar criminal. 2. Determine which of these two types of offender poses the most harm to communities. 3. What evidence or examples were you able...

11294You will need to read these two articles and use them to inform your discussion post: This first article focuses on how where you live affects your health: "Does ZIP Code Affect Your Life Expectancy?" This second article focuses on...

112451. Determine whether the selection of the legal drinking age in the United States was an arbitrary decision or one based on facts. 2. Compare/contrast: a. The legal drinking age in the United States with that of other countries. b. Alcohol-related crimes in the United States with those...

11216Using Differential association theory: 1. Explain what motivated you to select this particular theory as opposed to others. 2. Describe a scenario involving deviant or criminal behavior (shoplifting, vandalism, public drunkenness, running a traffic light, etc.) police officers are likely to encounter as part of their...

111411. Prepare a one-page case brief of Marbury v. Madison explaining the power of the Supreme Court’s judicial review, including whether the judicial review amounts to law-making. Use the Case Brief Template [DOCX]. (ATTACHED) 2. Prepare a one-page case brief of Grutter v. Bollinger explaining how affirmative...