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11286Reflecting on the varied emerging issues and trends related to educational leadership (textbook readings) discussed this term; reflect on one (1) current educational issue/trend that you found interesting and are most interested in investigating further. Your reflection should share what concerned you the most, what...

11285The articles can not be older than two years of age. The article critique must include: A summary of the author’s position, An analysis of the author's key points and the extent to which it is backed up; and a personal response that addresses your...

11284You will write a 2000-word paper detailing your response to the growing needs of education to engage and provide learning opportunities for today’s students. Your paper must demonstrate a scholarly, high-level approach to the issues faced by education in the 21st century. This paper must...

11282First, Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? Next, What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection strategies? Finally, How can educators help learners at any English language proficiency level to use self-reflection strategies? Sources- Support with 3 scholarly resources. Your...

11281First, What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Next, Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Finally, Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students. Sources- Support with 3 scholarly resources. Your...

11262Part 1: Lesson Plan For this assignment, create a understanding and using prepositions lesson plan for integrated English language development (ELD) instruction that integrates ELLs' cultural values and beliefs. Using the "COE Lesson Plan Template," address the following: Using the highlighted red quick answers included in the...

11258First. Research and briefly describe each of the five features of effective language and literacy instruction: (1) explicit instruction, (2) systematic instruction with scaffolds, (3) multiple opportunities for student practice, (4) assessment and progress monitoring, and (5) feedback. Next, which features do you think will require...

11255Please read and follow instructions thoroughly. It is 3 different parts listed at end of Case study instructions which are attached....

11254Educational leaders in today’s schools are faced with balancing a myriad of current trends and issues that trickle down and eventually affect the function of their schools. Upon reviewing the topics below, choose one as the basis to form a Principal’s response to the topic....

11253Meditate on the four chapters of 2 Timothy. Using Paul’s role as a teacher to Timothy, create a thread debating a topic that relates to the role of teachers in the 21st century. Using scripture as your background, and considering information studied over the past...