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12817Address the following topics/questions in a coherent essay that is a minimum of three (3) pages, not including a title and/or reference page: Do people with private insurance or who live in a higher income bracket receive preferential treatment when it comes to live-saving procedures? If...

12803You are implementing a new EHR system for a small rural hospital, that currently uses paper charting. Create a process from beginning to end on how you would implement this new system. Ensure you include each department that will be involved in the process, discuss...

12789Would you support federal legislation requiring disclosure of payments made to physicians? If so, what exactly should be disclosed? Should the federal law preempt all state disclosure requirements, or should states be permitted to enact more comprehensive requirements? Would you advocate that more states enact legislation like Vermont’s...

12780Write a reflection on how you are doing in this course that addresses the following points: Do you feel your grades in the course are sufficient up to this point to allow you to pass this course, why or why not? What are two topics you feel...

12779Write a reflection on how you are doing in this course that addresses the following points: Do you feel your grades in the course are sufficient up to this point to allow you to pass this course, why or why not? What are two topics you feel...

12778Using the Concorde’s Online Library, or other scholarly websites, research a pharmaceutical company’s business model and the profits that have been made through “blockbuster drugs.” Address the following topics in a coherent essay that is a minimum of three (3) pages, not including a title...

12761SWOT Analysis (pages 80 - 86 in your textbook will provide information) Using your course, textbook, and online resources conduct a SWOT analysis for a healthcare organization. Your project should be at least 7-10 pages, not including title and reference/works cited page. All outside research must be...

12757Complexity theorists advise organizational leaders to abandon command-and-control styles of management and instead set global performance targets and establish a few simple rules. This approach can unleash creativity and innovation, but it can also promote conflict and waste. How can managers “let go of control” yet...

12743Also, research burnout, the role that communication, or lack thereof, plays in burnout and turnover, and how your current organization works to reduce both turnover and burnout. Answer the following topics in a coherent essay that is a minimum of three (3) pages, not including...

12733Create a 3-5 page essay answering the following questions: Motivation is not a new concept, so why is motivation important? Is it more important for an employee to be motivated or engaged? Compare and contrast needs-based theories of motivation. Which offers the most value to health care...