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9543Select one of the topics below and provide a response. Topic 1: Describe, in your terms, what "security" is. Why do you think organizations struggle to secure their networks and IT assets? Topic 2: What are the different layers of security an organization should have? Please provide...

9529Week 8: Case Study The Scenario: After transitioning out of the military, you were contracted by a medium-sized start-up company that processes credit card transactions on a daily basis. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other business staff have no knowledge of network security or the threats...

9514Signature Writing Assignment: Style is APA standard format (Refer to APA Style, under Course Resources, for APA help). Topics for this research focus on adding value to the selected selected project scenario. Option 1 (use W4_DB_Admin_Security option1.docx file) is based on Ch16 Problems #35, 36, 37,...

9508DSS: Answer 1 of 3 (include question number in post) 1. What a role of historical data within Decision Support Systems (DSS)? 2. What are examples of source data to be available in a DSS environment? 3. What kinds of User Interface tools generate reports or displays? BI Apps:...

9481Project Documents: -ITM450_Project_Description_Guideline.docx (43 KB): A guideline overview of four scenarios, one which will be chosen as the basis for designing a database solution. The starting point is that assumptions about requirements are known, so that a database can be designed, or a working prototype can...

9476Prepare a report on your approved topic from Week 2 with a minimum of 2000 words, no less, but more is acceptable. References (10 minimum). You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other...

9475Prepare a report on your approved topic from Week 2 with a minimum of 2000 words, no less, but more is acceptable. References (10 minimum). You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other...

9466Attachments: Four databases and an Excel files are provided in a zip file: Ch13_P1.mdb, Ch13_P3.mdb, Ch13_P4.mdb, Ch13_SalesCo_DW, Ch13_P2.xls. TEMPLATE - Chapter 13 Problems section 1-10 on pages 639 - 645. A Word template contains the problems and a place to insert your solutions, model diagrams (using...

9465Data Marts: Answer 1 of 3 (include question number in post): 1) How do indexes improve SQL query performance? 2) How can stored procedure design improve query times in a data mart? 3) Why/How does de-normalization of a data mart design improve performance of queries? Architectures: Answer 1 of...

9421Attachments: - Contains an MS Access database Ch10_ABC_ERD.mdb TEMPLATE - Structured Word document template for stating a problem to solve and providing a place to put your solution....