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9991answer all of the discussion questions with a detailed explanation and support per the book context (means not just answer with 2-3 sentences)...

9915For this assignment, you will first need to visit the site below. Here you will be able to review Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster data for individual states. Choose the state in which you currently live (TEXAS) . Review the data, and write an essay that...

9914For the Unit I Essay, you will research this further and consider your own leadership style. Your essay will address the following. Explain which leadership style you find to be the most effective: transactional, transformational, autocratic, democratic, liberal, or servant. As part of your explanation, include a detailed description...

9880You are the chief executive officer (CEO) of an acute-care hospital. The governing board has expressed interest in adding a new service line, a twenty-bed geriatric psychiatric unit. This unit would be constructed in an existing vacant space within the hospital. Create a preliminary market analysis...

9797Could you please create an editable I am guessing Excel Spreadsheet that has a Quarterly training schedule in the attachment that is broken up in the 3 months at a time I am thinking maybe different sheets? I am not familiar with Pivot Tables and...

9792Firing an employee has numerous potential negative organizational consequences, including the discomfort of the supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response, many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced working...

9656Your paper should include: Introduction Compare and contrast how legal requirements affect internal and external recruiting. Explanation of at least one Equal Employment Opportunity law. Discuss a recent lawsuit in the US. Discuss best practices in recruitment. Conclude by summarizing and reflecting on what you learned from the assignment. Provide references...

9655In your project for this course, you will write a comprehensive paper of 8 to 10 double-spaced typed pages discussing a topic chapter from the textbook: This paper should have: • A cover page • An abstract • An introduction • Literature Review • A conclusion • Recommendations • A reference list with at least 10 references...

9654answer these questions 1. Explain the five bases of power and the two groups they are classified into. 2. Explain the concept of leadership as an identity construction process and what it involves 3. Describe the behavioral leadership approach and the Ohio State and Michigan studies two...

9610Answer this : Assume that you are the staffing manager in a company that informally, but strongly, discourages you and managers from hiring people with disabilities. The company’s rationale is that people with disabilities are unlikely to be high performers or long-term employees, and are costly...