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9109Purpose In this project, you will demonstrate an understanding of management and leadership. You will be exposed to various leadership skills and styles. After reading the project's case scenario, you will apply what has been learned to make recommendations for a new position at Tasty...

8778Now it is time to put all of the elements of your strategic decision together and present it to the governing board of Phoenix Hospital. I have attached the worksheet to review for the PowerPoint presentation. This board is comprised of the president of the...

8770Review the attached SWOT Analysis PowerPoint® presentation prior to completing this assignment. Complete the Week Three SWOT Analysis for Phoenix Hospital section of the attached Strategic Plan Worksheet. Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Submit...

8769Assignment Content SWOT analyses are used in all types of industries and are useful when creating a strategic plan, business plan, or making a business decision. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper explaining how a SWOT analysis is performed in which you: Summarize a SWOT analysis Explain factors...

8762The Midterm Exam is an applied case study scenario where you are the executive director of a long-term care facility that has decided to pursue Joint Commission accreditation. In the Midterm case study scenario, you will draw on, apply, and cite the first seven chapters...

8727Using the internet research and select one article about strategic planning in health care. Make sure your article discusses market factors that have an impact on decision-making in health care. It may be helpful to use search terms like “strategic decision making,” “strategic planning,” and...

8690Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word individual development plan for a skill (*related to Emotional Intelligence) you wish to enhance in yourself. Analyze the competencies needed for developing the selected skill. **Make sure to use and cite the course readings in your paper. *You can use first person...

8683Please complete the attached week one worksheet first and then complete the following: In this first assignment, you will create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital. It is important to read the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario prior to completing this assignment. It...