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12860Class, This week you are required to submit a case study analysis. Your paper analysis should be between 3 – 5 pages, not counting the title and reference page. No submission should be fewer than 1050 words. Include a clear and concise introduction. Format your case study assignment...

12849Overview For this milestone, you will evaluate the specific facility you have chosen for your final project. You will imagine you have just been hired as the new facility manager at the facility you have chosen. You will conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)...

12848For your initial post in the discussion topic, complete the following steps: Choose a facility from one of the following four categories: Professional sports Collegiate sports High school sports Community recreation Describe four key systems and design elements of the facility type you have selected from the list below: Electricity/energy systems Plumbing/toilets Waste (garbage)...

12838Overview This milestone is intended to help you achieve a more clear focus on the type of facility that you are interested in studying for your final project. For your final project, you will place yourself into the role of a facilities manager for a sport-related...

12837For your initial post in the discussion topic, review the NFL's Clear Bag Policy, then address the following questions: To what extent is it reasonable to ask fans to sacrifice their privacy by entering a facility through a metal detector or submitting to a bag search...

12833New venture opportunity and SWOT analysis paper This week we will study the SWOT analysis in detail. This week's paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. No paper should be fewer than 1400...

12827Strategic Analysis This week's paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. No paper should be fewer than 1400 words. Double space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well...

12822For this discussion, you will revisit the Nike "Just Do It" campaign that you examined in Module One and answer questions about the evolution of the iconic brand, including how Nike responded to both anticipated and unanticipated changes regarding its branding strategy. You will also...

12799Journal activities are private between you and the instructor. In this course, the journal will be used for reflection. In this journal assignment, you will consider potential changes that might affect your brand in its first year, and propose branding and media strategies to address...

12798In this discussion, you will identify a sport brand that underwent a significant rebranding effort and examine the factors that contributed to the branding decision. First, review the following resources: INSTANT MBA: Your Brand Needs To Be Constantly Evolving The 8 Must-Follow Rules for Rebranding Your Company Next, identify...