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40606The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders is on the rise. Scientists believe that there are both genetic and environmental factors associated with the development of autism. The CDC has developed a surveillance system (Autism + Developmental Disabilities and Monitoring Network) to track this...

40607Go to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System and select any one of the YRBSS Fact Sheets. Describe the data for TWO behaviors that were presented in your selected YRBSS fact sheet (skip over the general information on the first few pages of the...

40558Read the Reed et al. (2009) article, High Deductible Health Insurance Plans: Efforts to Sharpen A Blunt Instrument. Evaluate the concept of cost-sharing, and what is known and what is not known by consumers with a high-deductible health insurance plan. Does the knowledge of having...

40559Using the Managed Care Answer Guide, pgs. 17-23, Analyze and Evaluate your managed care plan* either through your private/government insurance or from the health care exchange (Obamacare) using the nine criteria (pg.17). Based upon your evaluation, does your health plan meets your needs? Why...

40548What types of publicity campaigns have you seen? Did any publicity campaign have an great impact on you? Why or why not?9-2 Paragraphs) 1 page- Post your evaluation of the effectiveness of the publicity campaign you selected. Conclude your posting with insights you have gained about...

40547Social change movements require strong and effective leadership, but they also need committed involvement by many others. In this campaign proposal, you determine methods and messages designed to motivate involvement in your cause. Consider insights gained about the effectiveness of publicity campaigns from this week’s Learning...