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12871Review the Learning Resources on substance use disorder screening. Access the UMKC | SBIRT website and review the AUDIT and DAST-10 tools that are included among the validated screening forms. Review the case you analyzed in Weeks 3, 6, and 7 from the Case...

12857The death of a loved one is a significant event experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. Thus, it is important for social workers to understand how grief affects surviving friends and family. Models of grieving establish the general stages or process through...

12850Revisit your chosen case. Review the Dahlgren-Whitehead Model and pay close attention to the two outermost layers of the model: Living and Working Conditions as well as General Socio-Economic, Cultural and Environmental Conditions. Consider how factors such as educational attainment, income, stress, violence, discrimination,...

12843Access the Case Scenarios and revisit your chosen case from Week 3. Review the Dahlgren-Whitehead Model and pay close attention to the three innermost layers of the model: Age, Sex and Constitutional Factors, Individual Lifestyle Factors, Social and Community Networks. Consider how factors such as...

12809One reason that social workers may struggle to completely remove subtle bias from their work with clients with substance use disorders is due to inaccurate beliefs about substance use and misuse. Societal misconceptions about substance use are widespread. Even social workers who work diligently to...

12808This week you are introduced to case studies that you will continue to analyze in subsequent weeks as you study the substance use disorder treatment process. As you review the cases, you will notice that each of the individuals featured in the cases is engaging...

12794Imagine that you are at a neighborhood gathering with a variety of community members. If you were to ask people in the group, “Have you heard of Prochaska and DiClemente’s transtheoretical model?” it is possible that only a few members would indicate that they were...

12792In this week’s Discussion, you analyzed a time line of events that reflected changing perspectives on substance use, substance misuse, and treatment, and you took note of broad trends in societal attitudes. Where on that time line did you notice shifts in societal philosophies toward...

12782SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER MODELS There are a range of lenses social workers can use to better understand how substance use disorders develop and what treatment approaches might be most effective. The biological model, the psychological model, and the sociocultural model are three examples of models that...

12730Consider how others react toward a person with a visible disability. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person's space and ask inappropriate questions? Now consider someone with hidden, or invisible, disabilities, those that are not immediately apparent. In the public’s consciousness,...