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38100Plan Ahead! Class Project Presentation - Weekly Expectations: This course requires you to complete a class project and produce an overview presentation (with a screencast) in the final module. To guide you through the process, you will be asked most weeks to produce a project status...

37444Telecommunications Network Security Plan Project Assignment The Acme Corporation is a new startup that wishes to sale their new phone to the public called Acmephone, a more secure version of the phone to business organizations, called the Acmephone B+, and highly secure version of the phone, called...

37227Skytower Pizza management determined that a complete re-write of the pizza management application is the best business decision. Senior management also determined that bringing an outside consultant in to run the software development process was appropriate given the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the existing...

36973I would like to address how IoT Threatens National Security the events in Finland i.e. and those events motivate me to pick IoT. Description listed below: Your topic needs to focus on a critical challenge in cybersecurity facing National Security Professionals. This...

369281. Assume you are a staff member supporting a senior government official. You must prepare a definition of cybersecurity that the official would use in a public speech. Include in your discussion the key security issues that guided you to this definition and your approach...