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12771structions Over the course of the semester you will choose 10 patient encounters to document an extended SOAP note for. It is expected that you vary the primary focus of each note to ensure you are receiving quality feedback for several types of patient encounters to include...

12636CURRENT EVENT ASSIGNMENT (individual assignment): The student will research a current event using the internet news sources, newspapers, or journals within the past year from when the class began. A good site that you may use is The student will write at least three paragraphs (300 –...

10076How do the Excerpted chapters of Genesis ( ) portray the relationship that the Hebrews had with their God? What elements of the stories define this relationship, and why might the author(s) have wanted to portray the relationship in this manner?...

9080Assignment Instructions Identify a topic or thesis relevant to this course, world history 1500-2000. Use the same one as your annotated bibliography assignment since you are already familiar with the subject. Search for five (5) websites which may be acceptable for use in a college-level history research...

9079Assignment Instructions Identify a topic or thesis relevant to this course, world history 1500-2000. Use the same one as your annotated bibliography assignment since you are already familiar with the subject. Search for five (5) websites which may be acceptable for use in a college-level history research...

9033Select a topic that will form the basis for your Annotated Bibliography and Annotated Webliography. You should choose some topic that deals with some aspect of world history from 1500-2000. This covers a broad area so you can use your imagination. For example, you...

How has your conceptualization of the psychopathology of children changed or stayed the same since the beginning of the semester? What was surprising or challenging about the course material? Were there any elements of the psychological experiences of children and adolescents that you thought were...