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 1) TCS Case Study: Enbala helps the world energize efficiently:  2) Company Name and Product: Enbala-creating an energy future that is sustainable and balanced 3) Current Export Markets: United States, Japan, Australia, Europe's Baltic Countries, Middle East ResearchProjectIntructions.docx INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL PROJECT – INTL725...

please see attachments below on how to help with this assignment.  APA style cite all work please us  information that has been provide to help with this assignment. chapter15.docxChapter16.docxENV330_M5a_Transcript.pdfSession11.pdfweekfivereadingsandinternetlink.pdfbookcoverENV330.docx 15 -Chapter Introduction Core Case Study Using Hydrofracking to Produce Oil and Natural Gas 15.1 Energy Resources...