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8674In 1200-1500 words (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font), after reading “The Armed Forces Officer" discuss how lessons learned (from the reading) can be applied to guide your leadership style going forward. Support your argument using at least three examples from the book. (This...

8668There are two parts (i.e., Part I & Part II) to the assignment. Please make sure that you complete both parts! Please feel free to work on the same Word file (see the attached file) that contains the instructions for the assignment! You can use the...

8476The final essay assignment is your opportunity to explore and reflect on the development of your philosophical thinking regarding the work you did over the course of this term. This essay is unlike the kind of writing we've previously practiced in the course. In Module...

8470DIRECTIONS Write a page and a half mini-essay/test essay/written quiz. Do not write more than 2 full pages. Below are the directives and length requirements for EACH PART of your essay. See the attached Example for extensive discussion of requirements in the margins....

8461DIRECTIONS It would be foolish to think the only thing that reading classic short stories, plays, and poems can offer us is a grade in an English class. Think about how often stories are used in our lives. Politicians use them to set up...

8457In this essay, you should defend a thesis on the subject of whether an argument for God's existence can be logically provided: Briefly develop an a priori proof for God's existence. Then, briefly develop an a posteriori proof for God's existence. What is the difference between then, and...

8456In this essay, you should defend a thesis on the subject of whether or not "Applied Philosophy" is, in the words of Richard T DeGeorge, a "Contradiction in Terms" (pg 9, The Origins of Applied Philosophy: in Philosophers at Work.) After briefly reviewing the DeGeorge...