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356141. A major individual research effort. 2. Approx. 10 pages but that depends on the difficulty of the topic. 3. Double spaced, 12 pt font, 1" margins all around. 4. FORMAL DOCUMENTS ARE NEVER RIGHT JUSTIFIED. Justify left margin only. 5. Topic relating to class...

43606Look at the list of musical features (below) that are common to most Native American music (the summary of musical features found near the beginning of the Lesson Three reading). Arrange the list into the categories of musical characteristics discussed in Lesson Two. melody dynamics harmony texture rhythm form timbre (tonal quality) cultural...

43599As you will notice in this video, some scholars, such as renowned conservative congressional scholar Dr. Norm Ornstein, view congressional gridlock as an indication that the American system of government no longer functions effectively. Watch this video: (1) Do you agree or disagree with the argument...

43595Read and review the following; One Christmas eve How it feel to be colored Black art Movement Harlem Renaissance Packet...

43497Choose a primary source to analyze from the list below. All sources come from the required readings on the syllabus, Weeks 2-5. Alexander Stephens on Slavery and the Confederate Constitution, 1861 Jourdan Anderson Writes His Former Master, 1865 Mississippi Black Code, 1865 “Freedmen’s Bureau” Political Cartoon, Harper’s Weekly, 1868 “An Old...