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43407Look at the list of musical features (below) that are common to most Native American music (the summary of musical features found near the beginning of the Lesson Three reading). Arrange the list into the categories of musical characteristics discussed in Lesson Two. melody dynamics harmony texture rhythm form timbre (tonal quality) cultural...

43406Look at the list of musical features (below) that are common to most Native American music (the summary of musical features found near the beginning of the Lesson Three reading). Arrange the list into the categories of musical characteristics discussed in Lesson Two. melody dynamics harmony texture rhythm form timbre (tonal quality) cultural...

43399Hello All, As we have read and studied, the music in sub-Saharan African culture is strongly integrated in the African people's everyday life. Please share what you have learned with your fellow students in this regard, and in general, discuss how is music related to sub-Saharan African...

43389In the world around you, if you wanted to create some instruments from items you have around the house or in your neighborhood, how would you make them? Describe a homemade instrument you could make in each of the Sachs-Hornbostel instrument categories we discussed in...

43385Briefly discuss which non-Western instrument you have enjoyed from the song selections or have experienced outside of this class. Please discuss briefly the culture from which the instrument is and the name of the composition, composer, and genre that features this non-Western instrument. Please discuss...

432511. Have you or someone you know ever entertained the idea of "passing" or what it would mean to pass? Post your reaction to the story "Passing" in terms of how would you have handled this situation as one of the main characters in this story. Surname:...

43250Surname: Crawford Professor: Gail Ross Hatcher Course: Hum 201-801...