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42263Compare and contrast Spielvogel’s assessment of Augustus’ accomplishments with the one in Res Gestae Divi Augusti. What do you think the historian Suetonius (69 CE -122 CE) thought of Augustus as a leader and as a man? According to Suetonius was there a difference between the public...

42264Need paper sent back to me before 10:30 or 11 the latest. Pick one of the two prompt options from the attachment provided. Links for the readings provided. Use quotes and work cited. ...

42179After completing the reading for Lesson One, write an essay that provides answers to the following questions. Please be honest and think critically about your answers (minimum word count: 200; please see rubric). 1. What are the various ways you identify yourself? What labels do you have...

42091 What is the problem for which this technology is the solution? Whose problem is it? Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution? What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem? What sort of people and institutions might acquire...