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12415The rubric is shown below. I've also attached the pdf, so that it can be read. Please try to follow the rubric and make sure it's well stated. No plagiarism tolerated....

12414Part 1: Begin by using Adobe Illustrator to experiment with several typeface types and design the name of your subject. Then, choose the best three typeface designs. Next, choose one of the three typeface designs and diagram the subject's name by identifying the various parts of...

12400Overview The start of a new project is always exciting for designers. However, for a project to be successful, designers need to understand the client’s specific requirements and expectations before beginning any design work. This information is gathered with a project management document called the client...

12392Write a two-part short paper. For the first part of your short paper, use a minimum of three resources to address the following (use examples and provide details): What is the history of typography? Where did typography come from and how has it evolved over the centuries? Describe...

12363Reflect on the role of human-centered design in design thinking. Consider the following question to guide your response: How can you create a human-centered design by understanding the needs and expectations of the target audience? Reflect on your understanding of visual thinking tools used in design thinking....

12345Contrast the two versions of the same song. Your essay must use four sources (newspaper articles, reviews, informational essay, interviews, definitions from reference works, etc...

12338Students will select a piece of literature written from 1945 to present and present it in an independent presentation activity. Although the presentation and work itself is independent, students will be allowed to utilize partners in class for the purpose of peer feedback. THIS IS THE...

12324Scenario You are a graphic designer for a magazine. A bank wants to advertise their services for senior citizens in your magazine. The U.S. Census Bureau has reported that senior citizens may represent one in five residents by the year 2030. As the number of senior...