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40849source 1: source 2: I already 2 source for my professor give me. I need 2 more and pls help me to find it. ...

40848Purpose: A causal analysis on the effects of the internet and other technologies on our lives today. It will mainly address the effects but should also briefly address the causes (e.g. the rapid adaption of the internet, the widespread use of technology, the adaption...

40846Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? Get help in any of your coursework. Zero PLAGIARISM papers at an affordable rate. We have special discount running this month. Enjoy 20% off . Use SAVE20 as the discount coupon....

40836Please read about essay 1 topic and can you using 2 sources I give you already, please? I need 4 sources for the essay and you only need to find 2 more, please? Please use them for your writing my essay Thank you so much for...

40834Project 1 and 2 are research driven papers that make an argument For/Against a topic that you’ve already chosen. Whatever topic you write about for project 1 will be the same topic for project 2. The only difference will be your stance on the issue....

40823Instructions and articles are uploaded below!!! *Read the TWO journal articles that are posted below, which are each from a different discipline (anthropology, sociology, political science, and psychology) *You are to write a summary on each article, *Title each summary *Compose a citation in Chicago style for each article...

408131. 2. 3. 4. Assignment: respond to all 3 1. Summarize the blue bell recall issue in 1-2 paragraphs 2. Did Blue Exercise social responsibility? 3. In your opinion, as a consumer, would you continue to purchase Blue Bell given the unethical nature of the company? Your assignment...

40773Problem-posing education, according to Freire, “sets itself the task of demythologizing”; it “stimulates true reflection and action”; it allows students to be “engaged in inquiry and creative transformation.” These are grand and powerful phrases, and it is interesting to consefer what they might mean...

40764The following is an exercise in historical role play. You are a lieutenant in either the French Lafayette Escadrille or the American Flying Service in the First World War--make it clear which entity you represent. You have completed your training to become a...